Wednesday, May 20, 2009

photos yesterday

okay, for some reason, I did not put any information with those photos, and I am sorry.
-Stella went to watch Sam play at school yesterday, and had a great time-
-Sam was 'mining for gems' with his class- in his bag of gravel [ I mean 'gems' ] he found an arrow head, a shark tooth, and many VERY rare 'gems' that he wants to sell. Not gonna happen.
-I made Stella a bento box meal for the last wendesday night supper at church for the school year. She ate noodles, dried corn, banana, fruit and grain bar, and I think some pudding. I had lots of questions about the box, and I gave them all Wendy's blog address to look at for inspiration.
=The last photo is Morgan and Meredith holding Stella. They came down from Nashville the weekend we got in from China, and spent a day with us. Stella loves her cousins!


Lynn said...

Hey, I like this bentos box idea. I wish I had known about it years ago! Catherine was a great healthy eater when she was younger, but seemed to get pickier after going to school. She still loves all fruits and most vegetables. John Wesley will eat anything! Is Stella a picky eater or are you just balancing everything?

2 China 4 Addison said...

I was a part of the team that worked at Heng Feng SWI last summer, and I am going back next friday! It is such a joy to see your Stella HOME and with her forever family. She was loved and prayed over many times the week that we spent there.
Blessings and hugs to you and your sweet girl!

Cherie said...

Dear ones....I am the 'lady in pink' who went with the Sidney,OH, team to Heng Feng orphanage last year. Stella/Catherine reminded me SO of my granddaughter Cate/Catherine, almost 2 at the time. I prayed over and loved on Stella/Catherine for a week as her surrogate 'Nai-nai', and it broke my heart to leave her in China. We are SO blessed you found her and are her Forever Family! God is SO GOOD!
As I read about you all, I realized how very precious, and complete, your family is now. I will continue to keep up with your blog. May God bless you all always!