Sunday, March 3, 2013

lovely weather we're having

Oh my word, it is cold.
We are one week away from Spring Break, and it is utterly freezing . The ladybug and I are working away at her birthday party decorations, gifts, and invitations. [ or , as she calls them , "tumations"]
We have made our list more than once, and she STILL keeps inviting every waitress, waiter, salesperson, bus driver, passer-by, and every one else whom she thinks is deserving of a 'tumation' to her party. Good times. It would be quite the scene if every one of these people she has invited actually showed up. Today at church, she invited an elderly lady, simply because the lady complemented the pink dress Ladybug had on. Bless it.
We are looking forward to our first Spring Break at home in years. We have made waaaay too many plans to actually accomplish, but that is beside the point. Sleeping in ! Pajama days ! No bed times !
Who wants to come hang out with us?!?!
Now the Grandparents have asked to take the monkey to Nashville, for some S E C games. Wow. Even more exciting for every one !
Have a great week - take a break !

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